Monday, January 13, 2020

Are Preservatives Necessary in Solid Conditioners and Shampoo Bars? A Test Begins

Today, we're going to take a look at a little test I was inspired to undertake late last year because of the seemingly endless amount of confusion about whether or not preservatives are necessary in solid conditioner and shampoo bars.

In my own formulas, preservatives are not required.

If you're thinking I make some kind of amazing magical formulas that no one else on the planet has ever thought of before and probably ever will again, you would be incorrect.

(sorry if I just burst a bubble)

I would go so far as to maintain that anyone making conditioner and shampoo bars in a similar way to the way I make mine, will not need to add preservatives.
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Are Preservatives Necessary in Solid Conditioners and Shampoo Bars? A Test Begins syndicated from LisaLise Blog - Natural Skin Care
January 13, 2020 at 03:00AM

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