Friday, December 27, 2019

How To Apply Sunscreen The Right Way

I used to roll my eyes when someone tried to tell me how to apply sunscreen.

Dude, how difficult can it be? Pour a small amount on your hands, rub it all over your body, wait 20 minutes and go out in the sun. Job done.

Except, I still got a sunburnt every now and then. WTH?

Worse, if I got a sunburn, did that mean I’d get wrinkles later, too? (Priorities, ladies!)

Turns out, it’s not enough to apply sunscreen. You have to apply it the RIGHT way too.

Here are a few tricks to help you make the most of your sunscreen and keep those pesky sunburns and wrinkles as far away from you as possible:

Be Generous

I used to be a scrooge with sunscreen. I’d treat it like my moisturizer. Put on a pea-size amount and off in the sun I went.

That’s not nearly enough, my friend. Derms recommend you use an average ounce (30ml) to cover your entire body (adjust based on your height and weight – no judgments. It’s about safety, girl!).

Apply any less and your SPF50 turns into SPF15 (or lower!). No kidding.

Slather It On Everywhere

If it’s exposed to the sun, apply sunscreen there. That means your face, arms, legs and all those often-forgotten areas like ears, the back of knees, feet and nose. And don’t forget to use a lip balm or lipstick with SPF on the lips, too.

Related: What Are The Best Lip Balms With SPF?

Shop My Fave Sunscreens

Wait 20 Minutes Before Going Outside

Have you noticed everyone tells you to apply sunscreen 20 minutes before sun exposure but no one explains why?

Here’s the mystery solved: you need to give sunscreen time to dry down and form a shield on the skin. If you go out before this shield is properly in place, UV rays all get through AND hurt your skin.

Be a little patience. It’s worth the wait.

Put It On Again, And Again, And Again (And Again)

UV filters may fight UV rays well, but they don’t come out of the battle unscathed. Nope, those pesky UV rays slowly deactivate UV filters overtime. The longer you stay in the sun, the quicker they’ll stop working.

Then, there’s sweating. Swimming. Drying yourself with a towel. All things that brush the sunscreen off your body. If it ain’t there anymore, it can’t protect you.

That’s why you have to reapply sunscreen frequently at the beach. That means every two hours or after every swim/sporting activity that makes you sweat. 

If it’s winter and you’re spending most of your time indoors, you can get away with reapplying your sunscreen less often. But, do reapply it. That’s NOT optional.

Related: Why Do I Need To Reapply Sunscreen Every Two Hours?

Are you applying sunscreen the right way? Let me know in the comments below.

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How To Apply Sunscreen The Right Way syndicated from Beautiful With Brains
December 27, 2019 at 04:57AM

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